Week 10

The connections between the design process of Richard Garfield and my own team is that we are trying to distill an idea into a game with simpler rules and more intuitive designs.  There are a few differences however, such as how Richard Garfield used previous games such as, Fire Magics and Safecracker. I noticed that they were arguing about the semantics of a certain card and how it could be misconstrued and they spent so long on how to change it and work together to patch it then they noticed that it was an asinine interpretation and it was a leap in logic and the logical thing was that if someone uses that rule the way they were worried about then they should just hang out with different people. This is similar to my group how we were discussing rules of how the game should run and I noticed that we were adding new rules to the game since we thought it would be nice, but we weren’t thinking about how it would work to better the game experience. During the alpha phase of magic the gathering they noticed that it was a surprisingly simple game with addictive gameplay, so much so that they had spent an entire night playing and lost track of time completely (page 3 of the Garfield’s design paper) and our group had found that the game we made can be played over and over again with a lot of fun in-between. And just like us they had a core concept and structure for the game that works it’s just a matter of adding more elements into it to make it more palatable and fun for longer sessions. The Altice chapter was very helpful in giving ideas for systems within games as to how they can function and work in order to give a framework to the games. (Altice chapter pretty much the whole thing)

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